The Syria Campaign is a human rights organisation that supports Syria’s heroes in their struggle for freedom, justice and democracy. The situation in Syria today could scarcely be further from the hopeful days of 2011 when hundreds of thousands of peaceful demonstrators took to the streets to demand freedom and democracy. Today, more than half the country has been driven from their homes, more than five million pushed over the borders into neighbouring countries and further afield. Upwards of 500,000 people have been killed and more than ten million are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance in what has become a world war. Despite it all Syrians continue to save the lives the world refuses to: volunteer rescue workers run towards the airstrikes to snatch lives from under the rubble, medics have moved entire hospitals underground for protection, and aid workers work around the clock knowing no-one should go to bed hungry. Syrian civil society is also proving another world is possible: local councils provide civil administration, female organisers build empowered and engaged movements of activists, and teachers are lecturing outdoors when their classrooms have been closed by extremists groups. Rooted in human rights we combine the best elements of creative communication, digital mobilisation, storytelling, and political analysis to support the demands of some of the most courageous frontline humanitarians and activists in the world.
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